Study at your school or college
Work hard during the year. Attend classes, do homework and follow your teacher’s advice.
Believe you can do it
Be positive and believe you can do well in your exam. If you are negative, you may stop yourself from trying.
Trust yourself, your teacher, your memory and your study programme. If you lose confidence, your study will not be effective.
Motivate yourself
Push yourself to work because effort is the most successful way of making progress.
Slow and steady wins the race
Learning a language and learning language skills is a marathon not a sprint. You cannot make up for a slow start to the year by working very hard just before the exam.
Be an active learner
Participate actively in classes, group work and pair work. These are opportunities for you to learn and practice language. Always ask a question when you don’t understand, or check something if you are not certain.
Be an organised learner
Organise your learning in the best way. Always know where to find your books and other learning resources when you need them.
Be an independent learner
Read, watch and listen to as much language as possible. Learning does not just happen when you are in class. Often you learn more when you study independently.
Know your learning style
If you don’t know it already, ask your teacher (or your parents) to help you to identify your learning style. Then you can organise your work and learning in a way that most suits you as a person.
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